Thursday, March 20, 2025

New Movie Mold Part IV Bust


My dudes. Oh my god. This thing is just beautiful. This is a near-perfect recreation of the original facial design from Friday the 13th Part 4. It was created using an ultra-rare, production-made latex face kept for 40 years by one of the film's effects artists and digitally combining it with an early generation copy of the well-known "Mangler" bust, itself cast directly from an effects dummy used in the film. The face is the exact face that was cut from the cowl used by Ted White during filming, giving us unprecedented accuracy and definition. This is a presently limited-run piece being offered by Nathan Stafford of the Horror Costume Index

In Nathan's own words:

"This project began in 2023 when I acquired an original face cast, cut from a production Final Chapter hood. I had it scanned to preserve every last detail. I then sourced a prototype Mangler to composite the head for its superior form originating from a screen used dummy. I spent nearly 2 years scanning and digitally combining/shaping the two parts, matching overlays on various angles, testing numerous sizes, refining in clay, and building out the shoulders to get everything just right. The result is, in my opinion, the truest representation of the original sculpt and I’m incredibly proud to share it with you."

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Couple of Original Part 8 Masks

In case you missed it, here's a couple of original masks from Friday the 13th Part 8 that were up for auction a while back. The top mask was owned by Canadian special effects artist Tony Lazarowich. The second one was owned for many years by producer Randolph "Randy" Cheveldave and was used as the stunt mask for several scenes, including Jason's electrocution and the moment he takes the mask off after being splashed with acid.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Bill Forsche With a Part 5 Mask in 1986


Special effects artist Bill Forsche shared this photo recently on his Facebook page. Evidently this was taken around 1986 at Reel FX studios and shows Forsche wearing a part 5 mask. On first glance it appears to be the hero, but if you look carefully you can see the blue chevrons are smaller and the eye cuts are slightly different. Behind Forsche you can see what could be some Roy hoods and above that copies of the Shelly mask from Part 3. Pretty cool!

If you're on Facebook and you're really into Friday the 13th props, I invite you to join our Facebook group "Camp Blood: The Friday the 13th Mask & Prop Group." I haven't posted on the blog here as much because so much discussion happens there now.

Friday, September 13, 2024

My Final Part 3 Mask


This is it! My last part 3 hero mask. I don't think I have any more in me and I accomplished what I set out to do back in 2009 -- create the most accurate possible part 3 replica I possibly could.

This was a painstaking process that I worked on off and on for a couple of years. Back in 2022 I created my own part 3 buck ground-up from a Plante mask after having seen the Hollywood Museum mask in person. This is a clear PETG blank from that buck pulled in 0.060 thickness, which I believe is correct to the movie mask.

The mask was base-coated front and back with Krylon Dover White, the cracks hand-etched with an x-acto knife to be as close to the original as possible (this part takes several days), painted weathering carefully applied with acrylics, then given five coats of Maimeri's patina varnish. It was finished with Krylon Kamar varnish and movie-accurate 7/8 inch straps. I can't claim it's flawless, but it's a keeper for me. Happy Friday the 13th!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Movie Mold Jason X Mask

Straight out of the movie mold, painted and finished by me.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Crow Fan Film "Days of Sodom" Indiegogo Round II Launches

Check out the teaser trailer here:

The Indiegogo campaign is live here:

This film is a labor of love for the fans by the fans and at the present time is three years in the making. It will feature Vernon Wells (Commando, Mad Max), Robert Mukes (House of 1,000 Corpses), Johnny Alonso (Gotham, One Tree Hill) pro-wrestler Maven Huffman, John Philbin (Point Break, Return of the Living Dead, Children of the Corn) and many other talented actors.

This is a horror-centric take on the Crow mythology unrelated to the remake starring Bill Skarsgard coming out this year or the original 1994 film starring Brandon Lee. Days of Sodom is about a police detective named Thorn Gray who returns from the dead to hunt down the former friends and fellow officers who murdered his wife in cold blood.

The cast and crew have filmed about 45% of the movie already; shooting is set to start again in early June and expected to wrap by August.

For the first time ever, fans of The Crow francise can actually sign up to be in a Crow-inspired film: campaign perks include being a background actor, getting your name or your picture in the film in various ways, or even fighting the protagonist yourself. There are also a variety of screen-used props available and perhaps best of all, the ability to actually be in a scene with veteran action and horror actors like Vernon Wells or Robert Mukes.

The campaign is live now and will run through mid-May.

This is the second campaign for this film, with the first (March 2023) having raised more than $31,000.

The finished film will be released for free on Youtube in 2025, but backers can get limited-edition blu ray discs through the Indiegogo campaign only.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

We Hit Half a Million Views!

Just yesterday this blog passed 500,000 views. I started posting here back in 2009 as a way to display my Jason-related artwork. Since then I've done deep dives into hockey mask history and all things makeup and prop-related in the Friday the 13th franchise and I want to thank everyone who stops by to check out all the photos I've collected from around the web and read my analysis. I've been away from this for several months but I have a couple of Jason-related projects underway I'll be posting soon.

Friday, October 20, 2023

New Stan Winston Jason Photos Revealed

Stan Winston Studios posted these recently on their social media in honor of the recent Friday the 13th. Really nice photos of casting Richard's face for the original sculpt used in Part III. You can also see the exaggerated mauve flesh tones used in painting the final pieces. FX guys usually did this knowing that color timing would inevitably rob the piece of some amount of it's original color.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Jason Takes Manhattan BTS


Kane has a lot of mud and debris on him, so I'm guessing this was when they were filming the opening scene on the house boat.