Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ultra-Rare Photo of Movie Mold Part 4, 5 and 6 Pieces

I'm told this grainy shot is from the Guy Thorpe collection and may date to the 1980s or 90s. Clockwise from top left you can see a mask pulled by David Miller for Thorpe off the original part 5 movie buck; the part 6 piece is a recast of a movie mold with an added face. This mask is currently owned by a Japanese collector (you can tell by the distinctive teeth). This is a sister pull to the one owned by Billy Kirkus.

Below that is what appears to be a casting of an actor's face from part 5 (the one who took the meat cleaver)  and the old HSS part 2, made from the screen-used appliances. Three of these are known to still exist. Above that is a (possibly screen used) part 4 mask; this may be the one worn in the final bathroom scene that was ultimately cut from the film. This mask is also owned by the same Japanese collector.

Guy Thorpe was part of a collecting community called the "Halloween Society" decades ago. They seemed to have focused largely on Don Post pieces but many also owned rare production made or movie mold pieces.

This photo was posted in a Facebook group a few months ago.

1 comment:

  1. That Pt. 4 mask very well could have been screen used. I think screen matching it would be plausible since no one even knew about or saw the deleted ending until recent years. The machete wound would have been an uncommon addition at this time. While it's too low res to tell much, the blood dripping down the right side of the mouth is something in common with the deleted scene.
