Update, Feb. 1. Its really looking good, although still a lot of details to work through. You'll notice a difference in the forehead in the top comparison, thats because the angle is slightly different (with the real deal turned toward you about 2-3 degrees more, thus showing where the sloping of the forehead begins). I am anticipating completion and molding by the end of March, based on the speed of my progress so far. I have noticed a lot of hits on the blog here lately, so thanks to everyone who makes this a regular stop! :D
Update Jan. 24. Still playing with the form, mostly in the cranium...
Still forming this guy and trying to be as exact as possible, results have been favorable so far. Here are a couple of comparisons showing what photos I am matching to. I've been using screen caps as well as behind the scenes photos so I can observe how his head looks as it moves and rotates onscreen. I have a long way to go on this guy...
So cool.