Tony Lazarowich, a British Columbia-based special effects artist, recently posted a reel on his Instagram page where he showcases a Part 8 Jason mask. Lazarowich says in the video that he studied under the effects chief from the film (presumably referring to Jamie Brown) and was given the honor of making the masks for the movie.
The mask is definitely interesting. The blank itself looks very accurate to those used in Jason Takes Manhattan, having the telltale horizontal crack on the back
that is seen in the Part 8 movie masks, a result of being recasted from a
flawed Part 6 blank that was pulled after the buck had cracked through the mouth area. The mask also has an interesting split in the side, something we also see in another Part 8 spare mask that was on eBay over a decade ago, that may have been caused by an FX artist accidentally cracking the notoriously brittle acrylic while going about his work.
The vents appear to be drilled the right size and have the characteristic crudeness you usually see in movie masks. The color doesn't appear accurate to the hero mask to my eye. The straps and strap connections don't look accurate and the weathering doesn't look nearly as detailed as the hero mask, although stunt and other spare or promotional masks were sometimes painted more crudely. The mask does have the correct nylon blackouts for the eyes but the hero mask blackouts were just hot-glued in-- this appears to be done differently. In any case, the mask itself seems likely to have come from production in my estimation.
Really cool piece and it's nice to see Tony has taken good care of it over the years. Thanks to Mario for bringing this to my attention.