Thursday, May 11, 2017

"Bloody Ending II" 3D Print is Finished!

As you can see, its the same size as His Unlucky Day. The cranium is a couple inches larger all around, as is the neck. The face might appear slightly smaller but that's mostly because the mouth is closed. The size and width of the mouth, the nose, the teeth and the set of the eyes are all perfect to the HUD. Overall I'm very pleased with how this came out. Detail capture is near-perfect and the size is exactly what I wanted. You can really see Ted White's face under that sculpt. This should be in production shortly!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Tom Savini brings Jason on Letterman, 1984

At 1:20 he unveils the impaling dummy and plays around with the mechanics in the face.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Bloody Ending II Update

UPDATE: We are accepting pre-orders as of May 4, 2017. Please paypal $100 to to hold your place. Thanks.

For interested parties-- I have the .stl file in hand and will be shopping out to 3D printers this week. The scan picked up the detail of Ryan's original bust down to 1/10th of a millimeter, about the width of a human hair, so virtually every visible bump and blemish on the original is accurately preserved. Here's a sneak peek.