Friday, July 23, 2010
My own Part VII on a SSN New Blood
There's been a lot of talk about the part 7 mask lately with Mario's new Red 7's coming out, so here's my favorite that I've done, although I may some day get a Red 7 and paint that too.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
My personal Ultimate III
I was bored and made some tiny adjustments recently in my Ultimate III to make it more accurate, mostly grinding away at the inside corners of the eye holes, so I figured I'd post this up for all the world to see. You will of course notice there are tiny differences, like lens distortion making the middle appear wider and some color dissimilarity, but these are my camera's fault. In person its almost indistinguishable from my reference photos. I also do the chevron split on all of the masks, although it doesn't show up well in pics. Every time I do a mask I learn something new about it, and the part 3 with all its complexities has been very, very instructive.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Coming Soon... Ultimate V Dream Scene
Hi blogwatchers,
Fairly soon I'll be starting this one, an attempt to paint a near-perfect recreation of the mask used in parts 3, 4, and 5, as it appears in Tommy's hallucination in part 5. This will be the sequel to my Ultimate III and many of the same techniques as well as the same base coat will be used for this one, as well as a little inside info on how the movie masks were done...
Because of the lack of high-quality photos of the original mask, I'll be using a combination of photos and screen caps to try to recreate every scratch as exactly as possible. No easy task, mostly because Tom Savini and his FX crew beat the hell out of it during pre-production on part 4, leaving almost no square millimeter of the mask undamaged. The mask will be weathered in the same sequence as the original, so the Savini damage will be ON the clear coat rather than underneath it... its all about the little things. :)
When the prototype is finished I will be offering these, you can PM me on Nightowl, Frightstuff or if interested, or email me.